[ディベート日記. 01] 古典論題に関する話

[ディベート日記. 01] 古典論題に関する話



古典論題とは、ディベート大会や練習などでよく利用される論題のことです。その定義は人と年代によってまちまちで、一概に言うこともできません。ただ、最近はEquityの考えの浸透で、あまりにもトラウマを起草させるものや心に傷を負わせる古典論題は減少傾向にあります。しかし、高校生大会や中学生大会では先生方が運営されている関係で、そこまで手が回らずに、EquityのシステムやOpt outシステムがないという状況が残ってしまっているのが実情です。



Assuming technology, THW revive all people who committed suicide

Assuming that we can predict with 100% accuracy who will commit a crime, THW punish potential criminals before they commit the crime

TH opposes organized religions

TH opposes peace education that uses shocking graphic images of war victims

TH opposes the culture of Japanese Valentine’s Day

TH prefers the world where animals can speak human languages

TH prefers the world where each individuals have their own superpower

TH prefers the world where people cannot lie

TH prefers the world with one language

TH prefers the world with one religion

TH prefers the world with one unified currency

TH prefers the world with the technology to erase people’s memories

TH prefers the world without marriage

TH prefers the world without nuclear weapons

TH regrets the commercialization of feminism

TH regrets the commercialization of LGBTQIA+ pride movement

TH regrets the commercialization of social movements

TH regrets the commercialization of sports

TH regrets the love coming from the first sight

TH regrets the rise of public discussion on SNS

TH regrets the rise of social media as a primary source of news distribution

TH regrets the rise of social media influencers

TH regrets the social narrative that motherhood is a rewarding experience

TH supports free downloading

TH supports nationalism

TH supports STEM education

TH supports the right to be forgotten

TH supports the right to die

TH supports the right to self-defense

TH supports the unionization of prisoners

TH, as feminists, would oppose affirmative action for women

TH, as feminists, would oppose surrogacy

TH, as feminists, would support females to be conscripted

TH, as individuals, would not consume arts produced by immoral artists

TH, as individuals, would not consume fast fashion

TH, as individuals, would not consume one-way plastic

THBT CEOs of large corporations should be elected by employees rather than shareholders

THBT Japan should preemptively attack to defend territory

THBT LGBTQIA+ movement should not glorify come out of the closeted

THBT SNS does more harm than good to democracy

THBT TV drama from large broadcasting company should include at least one person with disability as an actor or actress

THBT advanced countries should stop importing food from nations with chronic food shortages

THBT all high school students should have the right to choose all of their classes at school

THBT all high school students should study abroad

THBT all high school students should work part-time

THBT all schools should be co-educational

THBT assassination for political reasons should be justified

THBT biofuel does more harm than good

THBT capital function should be transferred

THBT celebrities have no right to privacy

THBT centralization in urban areas bring more good than harm

THBT cultural treasures should be returned to their areas of origin

THBT democratic states should not run their own media

THBT developing countries need strong dictatorship

THBT developing countries should nationalize natural resources

THBT economic growth should be prioritized than environment protection

THBT free trade harms its developing world

THBT globalization widens the gap between the rich and poor countries

THBT government should punish individuals who write Fake news

THBT governments of developing countries should actively introduce English as a single official language

THBT governments should actively prevent gentrification

THBT hacking should be recognized as a legitimate form of protesting to large corporations

THBT it is better to have a 2-dimensional partner than to have a 3-dimensional partner

THBT married couples should be allowed to have different surnames

THBT moral education should not be a subject in school

THBT parents should have the right to access all accounts of their children's social networking sites.

THBT parents whose children are grossly obese should be punished for child abuse

THBT people who don't lead healthy life styles should be denied organ transplants

THBT politics should be separated from sports

THBT prisoners sentenced to life-time imprisonment should be allowed to choose death penalty

THBT raising consumption tax does more harm than good

THBT robot animals are better than real animals as pets

THBT schools should actively rank students and encourage competitions

THBT schools should group students by intelligence and competency instead of ages

THBT schools should outsource coaching of club activities

THBT schools should teach their students to be global citizens instead of instilling nationalism

THBT sharing culture does more harm than good for individual’s life

THBT sports team should be responsible for their fan’s poor conduct

THBT studying abroad does more harm than good to minors

THBT teachers’ salaries should be based on students’ ability

THBT the UN has failed

THBT the UN should have its own military

THBT the US military bases in Japan should be removed

THBT the media should not disclose ethnic backgrounds of individuals who were convicted of violent crimes

THBT the permanent membership of the UN security councilor should be abolished

THBT the promotion of e-sports does more harm than good

THBT TikTok does more good than harm

THBT tiger-parenting does more harm than good as a form of education

THBT web-filtering does more harm than good to children

THW abolish all systems that attempt to rank universities

THW abolish capital punishment

THW abolish inheritance

THW abolish juvenile law

THW abolish mandatory retirement age

THW abolish priority seating in public transportation

THW abolish private property

THW abolish school uniform

THW abolish the Olympics

THW abolish the power of veto from the UN security councilor

THW abolish the school credit system(a.k.a. 履修単位制)

THW abolish the statute of limitations

THW accept illegal immigrants

THW allow doctors to strike

THW allow public servants to strike

THW allow single parents to raise their children behind bars

THW allow the privatization of prisons

THW ban academic achieving tests

THW ban advertisements of consumer goods and services

THW ban advertisements that promote gender stereotypes

THW ban alcohol

THW ban all laws restricting hate speech

THW ban all school rules to restrict individual physical appearance(e.g. hair color, make up etc.)

THW ban all students from working part-time

THW ban animal entertainment

THW ban animal testing

THW ban baby hatch

THW ban beauty contests

THW ban bringing phones to school

THW ban celebrities from being political candidates

THW ban children from being professional models

THW ban children from using SNS

THW ban citizen-judge system

THW ban cloning technology

THW ban club activities

THW ban combat sports

THW ban convenience stores from opening for 24 hours

THW ban cosmetic surgery

THW ban developing countries from hosting international sporting events

THW ban escalator system in school

THW ban Euro

THW ban extremist political parties

THW ban formation of contracts which prohibits idols from getting into a relationship

THW ban fortune-telling businesses

THW ban fur trade

THW ban gambling

THW ban government funding of the arts

THW ban guns

THW ban homework

THW ban long vacation

THW ban morning training of club activities

THW ban negative campaign in political election

THW ban online games

THW ban plea bargaining

THW ban political lobbying

THW ban political opinion poll

THW ban private cars

THW ban private schools

THW ban religious schools

THW ban sacrificing animals on religious grounds

THW ban school lunch

THW ban space exploration

THW ban the broadcast of suicide

THW ban the consumption of meat

THW ban the development of lethal autonomous weapons

THW ban the private ownership of 3D printers

THW ban the private use of drones

THW ban tobacco

THW ban too thin models

THW ban violent video games

THW ban zoo

THW break up megacities

THW cancel third world debt

THW censor the Internet

THW create criminal DNA database

THW criminalize gangster membership

THW criminalize hate speech

THW criminalize the payment of ransom

THW cut pay medical expenses for obese citizens

THW discourage the movement that aim to further the acceptation of obesity in society

THW elect the Prime Minister of Japan directly

THW end child labor force

THW establish casinos in Japan

THW establish exclusive schools for LGBTQ students

THW establish maximum number of terms for parliament members

THW force doctors to report suspected cases of domestic violence

THW force doctors to tell the true condition to the patients

THW force family members to send addicts to rehabilitation camp

THW force parents to send obese children to fat camp

THW fully transfer to autonomous vehicle society

THW fully transfer to cashless society

THW give more votes to the poor

THW give more votes to the young

THW give more votes to women

THW give national treasure back to its people

THW give students the right to choose their teachers

THW give students the right to fire their teachers

THW give voting rights to immigrants

THW give voting rights to prisoners

THW impose a worldwide ban on nuclear weapons

THW impose carbon tax

THW impose tax on garbage collection in all cities and districts

THW impose tax on owing pets

THW impose tax on the use of ambulance services

THW impose tax upon adults who actively choose not to have children

THW introduce Internet voting

THW introduce Saturday classes in all schools

THW introduce blind voting

THW introduce conscription

THW introduce fat tax on unhealthy food

THW introduce female hiring quotas

THW introduce female quotas in the Parliament

THW introduce female quotas in the board of executives of corporations

THW introduce female quotas in the science department of universities

THW introduce grade retention system in compulsory education

THW introduce grade skipping system

THW introduce jury system

THW introduce mandatory retirement age in the Diet

THW introduce mandatory sentencing

THW introduce mandatory voting

THW introduce maximum driving age

THW introduce maximum voting age

THW introduce minimum turnouts in elections

THW introduce negative voting

THW introduce random drug testing in schools

THW introduce summer time

THW introduce universal basic income system

THW introduce universal minimum wage

THW legalize all drugs

THW legalize child labor in developing countries

THW legalize dueling to the death

THW legalize euthanasia

THW legalize homeschooling

THW legalize organ selling

THW legalize polygamy

THW legalize surrogate mothering for profit

THW legalize the use of Marijuana for pleasure

THW legalize the use of performance-enhancing drugs

THW lower the voting age to the age 16

THW make all Internet users use their real names

THW make board of executives criminally liable if their workers committed suicide

THW make parents criminally responsible for crimes committed by their children

THW make physical education classes optional in school

THW make teachers criminally responsible if their students committed suicide due to bullying

THW make the use of highway free

THW monitor ex-prisoners with GPS technology

THW nationalize health care industry

THW never bailout big failing companies

THW never negotiate with terrorists

THW not allow individuals to take life prolonging treatments

THW not pay medical expenses for gambling addicts

THW not prosecute defamation

THW not protect dying language

THW offer dictators immunity in return for leaving power

THW pay minimum wage for households and housewives

THW pay money for obese citizens to lose weight

THW privatize water business

THW prohibit IT companies from retaining user data

THW prohibit criminals from publishing accounts of their crimes

THW prohibit genetically modified foods

THW prohibit journalists from entering to hazardous areas(e.g. conflict zones, terrorist territories)

THW prohibit parents from instilling religious belief to their children

THW prohibit parents from instilling veganism to their children

THW prohibit price gouging

THW prohibit reporting information of criminal suspects

THW prohibit reporting real names of crime victims

THW prohibit the media from reporting on the mental illness of crimes

THW prohibit the use of children as celebrities

THW provide university education for free

THW provide welfare in the form of basic goods and services, rather than cash payments.

THW punish celebrities heavier than ordinary citizens

THW remove all government subsidies from marriage match-making events

THW remove all sin tax

THW require all fathers to take paternity leave

THW require parents to have parenting licensing before having children

THW reserve seats in parliament for candidates under 30

THW revise the article 9 of the Japanese constitution

THW start the new academic year in September

THW stop teaching English in elementary school

THW subsidize prenatal diagnosis

THW support military retaliation against cyber attacks

THW televise criminal trials

THW torture terrorists